[Gift] To my Best Friend
Dear Peri,
Hey! I’m totally snowed in, if you’d believe it. I thought about maybe going out to make some snowmen, but it’s cold, and I don’t wanna numb my fingers. I’d do it with you if you were here, though. I wish you didn’t live so far away. Hopefully Rookie is keeping you good company while we’re all stuck. Since I don’t wanna go out, I’ve decided that today I will write you a letter instead. I guess according to tradition I gotta get mushy with you. Which, like, knowing me, that’s not gonna be hard, LOL.
I guess I’d say thanks for being here. I’ve said it several times before in several different ways, but your friendship really means a lot to me. You’re always super patient with me even when I can do some really stupid stuff. I’m still sorry about the whole explosion I had the day before my birthday. Thank you for not holding it against me, even though I was being kind of hysterical. I’m grateful that you always give me the opportunity to stop acting crazy instead of yelling at me or getting super upset and offended. I don’t know how you can put up with me. I mean, I do know, but like… it’s hard to wrap my head around. We’ve talked about it before so I think I’m just gonna be repeating myself, but. Thank you, for accepting me as I am and everything I come with. I’m glad to know it won’t get exhausting one day. I’m always saying how grateful I am for the seemingly endless amount of patience and kindness you have for me but it really does mean a lot to me. I know that I come with a lot of responsibilities. I’m grateful to have someone who handles it so gracefully.
Thank you for thinking of me, too. You’ve always understood me, but I think as the years have gone by, you’ve only managed to understand me more. I know that’s probably just a natural progression of our friendship, but it’s interesting for me to think about considering the disaster I came out of just before we really started talking again. You just really get me, y’know? About everything. You’re always on the same wire as me. We’ve never had a disagreement. I mean, you like onions, and I sure don’t, but we’ve never had a fight about it, y’know? It’s crazy to me.
Overall I’m really grateful to have you in my life. You’re super kind, and pretty, and smart, and witty, and I love listening to you talk, and you have really interesting thoughts about things. Your ideas are spectacular, and I love writing with you, and I love knowing what you think, and you’re fun to play with and to eat with and to go places with. You’re really funny and I love laughing with you about the silliest things. You’re such a comfort to me. I wish I could lean up against you all the time. You are a really special sort of person, you know? There aren’t a lot of people like you out there in the world. At least, I’ve never met another Peri. I’m not sure I ever will. I kind of hope that I don’t; you’re all the Peri I could ever need. I wish I could be a little wordier about it. You deserve to know just how incredible you are.
I think the only thing I really wish that could be different is if we didn’t live so far away from each other. I’d like to see you more than once each year, maybe one day. It’d make it so much easier to get outside and go places, and have reasons to meet people, and get experience, besides getting takeout.
Maybe when it gets warmer I could come visit. I’ve gotta start saving up, so we can do all kinds of things. I miss being able to see your face and stuff. Writing letters really isn’t the same.
I love you lots, and I hope the season is treating you well. Remember to eat good food and drink water, okay? That’s my sister you’ve gotta take care of. I’ll see you this summer.
With much love,
for Letters of Love!
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Submitted: 6 days ago ・
Last Updated: 6 days ago