Submission (#1167) Approved

1 January 2025, 08:14:10 UTC (2 months ago)
2 January 2025, 04:47:48 UTC (2 months ago) by impera
(742 words)
The snowfall that covered the planet Eternia in a soft white blanket seemed to muffle all sound, leaving the world in a state of silence. It was easy to lose track of time in such conditions, but Opaline could sense the day. Even without opening her eyes, she knew that the sun was hiding behind thick clouds, and somewhere nearby a little Bommie was waiting for her.

Bommie loved to play in the snow, but this winter had been particularly harsh. The wind was chilling even the fluffiest of Eternia's inhabitants to the bone. Opaline shuddered as a cold gust slipped under her blanket and wrapped herself tighter in its warm cocoon. She was to find one of the Bommie's who had suddenly gone missing. The neighbors said he liked to wander into the forest at the foot of the Ice Crystals, but no one had seen him in days.

— Well, it's time to bring him back, — Opaline thought lazily as she awakened the strength to travel.

The forest looked fabulous. Huge trees covered in frost refracted the light, and it seemed like millions of miniature rainbows were burning all around. Snugzi walked slowly, treading confidently but with a sense of perpetual relaxation. The snowy carpet beneath her hooves hardly rustled at all. Every now and then she would spot small tracks leading deep into the forest, but then they would disappear beneath the fresh drifts.

The farther she went, the more she felt that this forest was full of mystery. The branches whispered secrets to each other, and the occasional sounds in the distance made her think that someone was watching her.

— Little Bommie, — Opaline called lazily, as if she hoped the missing creature would come out to meet her. The answer was only the faint whistle of the wind.

After a while, she came upon a snow-covered cliff. Below, in the depths of the gorge, something pink flashed. Opaline crouched down to examine what it was. Yes, there was someone familiar moving down there. Bommie! It's tried to get out, but the slippery ice prevented from getting up.

— You seem to have gotten carried away with your walks, — Opaline said, coming down with a grace that was unexpected for her lazy nature. She did not even have to exert herself; the snow seemed to yield to her steps.

Bommie noticed her and squeaked softly. It big green-pink eyes looked at her with gratitude, but also with a little fear. Apparently it had been in this place for a long time and was beginning to doubt it would even be found.

Snugzi hugged Bommie with her blanket, and a warm glow spilled around.
— It's going to be okay. You're safe now, — she whispered softly.

As soon as Bommie felt the warmth, it perked up a little. Wings fluttered, and creatire pressed itself against the soft fabric as if it felt protected.

But the journey back was not easy. The wind grew stronger with each step, and the snow began to fall in such thick flakes that visibility was reduced to almost nothing. Opaline moved slowly so as not to lose her bearings, occasionally shielding the tiny creature from gusts of wind.

At one point, she stopped. Her intuition told her they were not alone. A faint rumbling sounded nearby, and a shadow flickered against the snowy background.

— Who's there? - She asked quietly, feeling the protective energy awakening in her body.

The shadow froze. Then the head of a strange creature emerged from the snowdrift. It was one of the predators of the forest, a small and agile creature that preyed on small animals, but was now clearly interested in the local pet in snugzi's hands.

Snugzi took a step forward, revealing her iridescent blanket, and a warm light appeared in the air, warming even this frosty world. The raptor froze, mesmerized by the sight, and slowly retreated deep into the forest.

— That's it

When they returned to the village, the snowfall had begun to subside. The villagers greeted their missing friends with shouts of joy, hugging and cheering them on. Opaline allowed herself to finally sink into the soft snow, wrapping herself in a blanket.

— I think that's enough adventure for today, — she said lazily, closing her eyes.

Somewhere in the distance, the Ice Crystals glittered again, reminding her that the little heroine had enough adventures on Eternia.
Reward Amount
Bommie MYO 2
Thumbnail for SZ-495: Opaline

SZ-495: Opaline

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Thumbnail for BOM-001: Tulip

BOM-001: Tulip

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