Submission (#1315) Approved

18 February 2025, 22:33:56 UTC (3 days ago)
20 February 2025, 14:28:37 UTC (2 days ago) by BitsAndBobbles
A letter from Booboo to Freya asking if she'd be growing any news crops and if she'd be willing to help him make new candies + taste test! Sorry if I submitted this wrong I have never submitted a written one!

Letter starts below the line, 554 words!

Hello Freya, it is your good friend Booboo!! Booboo hopes you stayed nice and warm during winter times, Booboo heard you and Goobie flews some sort of rocket ships?? Like.. The ones that other Snugzi had to celebrate the festivals?? Didn't it blow up or something, Booboo doesn't thinks you're supposed to rides those thingies from the rockets shows... But it sounds like Goobie had a good times with it and you guys aren't hurt so I guesses it's oks??

Sorries Booboo got really off the tracks, let Booboo get back to what he wanted to writes to yous about!! You knows how last fall you grew those really big pumpkins, those were out of this world! Somes of thems were even bigger than you weren'ts they? They tasted just as good as they looked, Booboos is sooos sad hes doesn'ts has anymore seeds leftover from your harvest to roasts, Booboo misses them a whole lots!! Now that Spring is peaking over the shoulder Booboos was wonderings if yous might have any planses to grows somes other kinds of plant??? Not pumpkins again obviously that'd be kinds of weird right now but more like.. Strawberries or apples or kiwis or maybe some veggies too?? Like carrots, beets, tomatoes?? Anything?? Booboo really likes the crops you grow Freya so honestly Booboo would be happy with anything you'd be willing to share with hims if you have any to spare!

Booboo has been taking a long long times to thinks about new candies recipes durings the winter time, lots and lots of thinking to be readies for whens springs is here so hes cans shares it with all of the other Snugzis! Latelys hims has been working on new types of marshmallows, pinks marshmallows, blues marshmallows, yellows, greens... Every colors of marshmallows to shares with the Snugzi with new flavors combinations too! Like strawberries and peanutbutters, blueberries with kiwi, bannanas and mayos... That last one might need a little bit of works honestlys, Booboo isn't sure that will be a very populars flavors but he's willing to give it a shots! Who knows, it mights turns out to be a big hit with all of the other Snugzis! This is why Booboo was hopings that Freya will share her new plants with hims if you planned on growing again nows that the weathers will allows it to!

Maybes you might be willings to help him figures out new flavors too? Booboos would alsos love to cook with Freya if she woulds likes to stop by sometime, friends are always welcome to visits Booboo anytimes they want to! Please please please gives it some thinking times and writes back to Booboo whens you have an answer for hims about the plants and if yous would also like to cooks with him! Yous can even invites other friends if yous would like to, Booboo is always looking for others to helps him tastes tests his new candys flavors!

Thanks you for takings the time to read this letter Freya, Booboo loves you a lots! Yous are one of my bestest friends and I am exciteds to hears back from you soons, even if you says no hims will just be happy to knows you are doing wells!

Hopes to see yous soons, your friend Booboo.
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SZ-226: Freya

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Thumbnail for SZ-323: BooBoo

SZ-323: BooBoo

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Thumbnail for SZ-390: Goobie

SZ-390: Goobie

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