Harpyangel's Avatar
27 September 2024 (4 months ago)

I like to help my friends and siblings. --- updating bio, I have an idea of what to put here now. 

pfp: MaruBrightStar 

410 Plipz
11 Droplitz
3 - Rare MYO
1- Defense Candy
Star Fruit Bao Buns
Fragrant Starry Stew

Characters / Snugzi / Pompi / Pet Species


Harpyangel Avatar
Harpyangel He/They

Oh, I didn't see this until now. Whoops, I just resubmitted the design. 

2024-12-02 00:47:05

impera Avatar
impera Staff Member

There was a typo on your design response it should say there doesn't appear to be any plant growth on the body


2024-12-02 00:27:26

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