OracleVengeance's Avatar
11 August 2024 (6 months ago)
23 Dec


Welcome to my divine kingdom. You can call me oracle! I am a 23 y/o adult who has social anxiety but freaks it anyways. I'm/was a beta tester for the site (which was so much fun). When wanting to communicate privatily please ask me if it's ok to dm and know what you're going to say!


Facts about me: I REALLY enjoy moths and anything angelic. However I do enjoy other aesthetics like dark/fairy grunge/vkei/lolita/dollcore and more! I'm a huge d&d 5e nerd so if you wanna yap about ocs and stuff d&d related feel free! I'm either a pegan or wiccan but don't know fully which yet as I'm still learning! Also I enjoy purples/white/blacks as some many color palettes for anything. HUGE horror fan and love anything with multiple eyes.

commissions : closed trades : closed requests : closed

Featured Art

Cr: Beelzebunn

Cr: JackOPhantom

Cr: Koftie

Do Not Interact

Basic DNI criteria. Please just be a decent being Scammers, AI "artist", art thieves, etc. There's no reason for all of those so kindly leave my page.

Before You Interact

I swear/curse often. If you do not respect me or my friends/mutuals you'll be blocked. I'm only recently started using and getting use to tone tags to mostly help others since I don't really need them so bare with me if I mess up a lot with them I'm still learning!


code by lindwyrm

10480 Plipz
70 Droplitz
2- Anthro Candy
Pawprint Shard
3- Dragon Candy
1- Defense Candy

Characters / Snugzi / Pompi / Pet Species


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