Soquete_Sin_Nombre's Avatar
30 September 2024 (4 months ago)

HEYA! Nice to Meet ya!

Digital and Traditional Illustrator, Visual Art Student too and Freelancer Worker (Mostly into  Commission or similar)

Colombian (18Y0) Bisexual and ENFP  (Golden Retriever Energy)

Even if I have a different context when creating my pieces and art, more than college I'm interested in getting out of my confort zone and this is a great oportunity to start! I'm feeling open to learn more about species and adopts things so a talk is always welcome

Therefore, that's pretty much all, hope we can get along! 


3174 Plipz
24 Droplitz
Button Bug
1- Defense Candy
Rosegold Nova
No awards earned.

Characters / Snugzi / Pompi / Pet Species


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