Character Categories
Snugzi (SZ)
╰┈➤ What traits are required when making your Snugzi?
- The blanki is the blanket that protects your Snugzi. These can be plush/fabric Common Subtype or you can get a bit fancy with it by using other rarity of MYOs.
- A tag is an identifier of the Snugzi and can have up to 5 Tags at a time! Most commonly tags are labelled "SZ" BUT if you want to have a different symbol/letters feel free! Tags are required to be made out of plastic or fabric unless you use a Trait Diary for other materials.
- Ears are always located ON the blanki at all times! These can be any shape/design but MUST remain the material of the blanki.
- Horns are required UNLESS you use a Common Trait Diary to add the No Horns trait. The main horns must go through/grow on the blanki. Any other horns off the blanki on the head are allowed with no additional trait required. Horns else where would be viewed as Spikes and would require the Spikes trait.
- The crown or "widows peak" lies on the Snugzi's forehead. Crowns can be the typical triangle form or you can use the Fallen Crown trait for just a symbol on the forehead. If you're character has something blocking their forehead then you're not required to have this showing on the masterlist. If your Snugzi is bald/forehead showing then the crown MUST be present on the masterlist!
Pompi (PM)
╰┈➤ What traits are required when making your Pompi?
Moth/Butterfly Ears:
- The most notable part of Pompi is their ears! All Pompi have ears resembling moth or butterfly wings. Can be already existing species of moths/butterflies or you can make your own! The poms inside the ear can be the sylk plush OR an item! Items are typically more rare but since they're free to make I have no issue with you guys making them! Some Pompi patterns can even move!
- Every Pompi has antenna as well, these can be shaped in any way! Typically if you have a Pompi with butterfly ears they'll have antenna resembling butterfly antenna and vise versa! Not required just more common!
Fluffy Legs:
- Lower half of their legs are extremely fluffy! The fur can drag on the ground be curly or be perfect and round, anything you'd like just make them fluffy!
Sylk Plush:
- Pompi have a thick layer of sylk plush under their tails! Tails must be able to curl as Pompi use their tails as a form of defense! See ref above for examples. This sylk is very important as it's used to make items and is the only material that be used to mend Snugzi blanki's!
Sylk Poms:
- When Pompi walk they leave a trail of sylk poms! There's no particular reason for this they just can't maintain the amount of sylk they produce so it falls as they wander! Sylk poms are ALWAYS located on the top of the tail and in the inner ear!
Although Pompi are free to make all of these traits must be applied when making a Pompi and must be submitted on site using the Pompi MYOs! Any other traits are allowed, go wild!
Aerogon (AG)
╰┈➤ What traits are required when making your Aerogon?
- Aerogon's have glass visors covering their eyes! These can be any color and have any style of side wings. The circular piece also known headphones are required as they use these to communicate with one another while flying! They can be any shape but are required!
Horn Nose:
- As form of defense and for lighting their way Aerogons all have horn noses! They are able to illuminate these horns or have them dim.
Airplane Wings:
- Obviously in order for Aerogons to fly they need wings! These wings are solid and are spread straight across from one another but do not need to be connected to their back if you'd like to have the wings floating next to the Aerogon that's okay too! They just need to be present at all times. These can have engines, propellers or anything you'd like!
- ALWAYS on their back legs next to their paws! Can be any size or shape but must be present.
Tail Tip:
- Similar to the horn nose, Aerogon tail tips light up! These are used to see one another in the sky. How cool!
Does not have to be feral! Can be either anthro or feral.
To obtain an Aerogon you need a Aerogon MYO! You can purchase these in the shop on site or find one while foraging! Any additional traits are free to add as long as all required traits above are present!- Aerogons are inspired by tycho and were made for him so go kiss his forehead if you love these.
Smitten (SM)
╰┈➤ What traits are required when making your Smitten?
Zero Brain Cells:
- Smittens are incredibly stupid silly little creatures so if you were wanting a smart sock this is not the pet for you. Just pat their head and tell them it'll be okay.
Sock Head:
- All Smitten have a sock head resembling a sock puppet. This sock is used to crawl inside and change into their sock form as seen on the left.There is no reason for this they are just 🧦.
Sock Tail:
- Smittens typically have sock resembling tails but they can be any object! Building blocks, gacha balls, foods, etc!
Googly Eyes:
- Smitten have rather large eyes resembling googly eyes! Pupils can be any shape/looking any direction but they usually cant see straight.
Sock Form:
- As said above Smitten have no use for this form but will randomly crawl into their sock head and become smol sock. Must have the same design as their regular form!
Bommie (Bom)
╰┈➤ What traits are required when making your Bommie?
- Glassiebommies have a glass opening located on their foreheads (this piece may also be on their back but it is most commonly found on their head)! Inside they contain a form of liquid typically juice.
- In their ears and tail blooms their chosen fruit that creates a delicate lovely perfume around them. It can be anything as long as it has a unique scent! Mostly fruits, no solid objects allowed.
- Bommies have scales scattered around their bodies. These scales can be any simple shape and color!
- All Bommies typically replicate a type of bird! It's extremely rare to see any other form. Hooves and/or paws are allowed.
- Their wings can come in various shapes and styles just like their markings! However, be sure to include leaves on them!
- Bommies always have shapes floating around them. These shapes can take any form as long as they're simple and consistent in appearance.
Does not have to be feral! Can be either anthro or feral. But are always smol.
Bommies are a winter limited pet! They will float away January 10th. To obtain an Bommie you need a MYO! Bommie MYOs can be obtained by completing the Bommie Prompt! Any additional traits are free to add as long as all required traits above are present!- Bommies are made and owned by Lehicolmillos please tell him thank you if you love them! <3
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