1 - Common Diary
- Allows 1 Common Trait to be added to a Snugzi.
- Can be used when designing a Snugzi or for redesigning a Snugzi.
- Must be the book rarity for Trait. (Example: Cannot use a Rare book to add a Common Trait).
Purchaseable At:
1 - Common MYO
- Allows for the Snugzi to have up to 5 Common Traits. Anything above 5 Common Traits would require a Common Diary item.
- Allows any amount of lower rarity traits. (Default)
- Only allows for the common Subtype. Uncommon/Rare/Mythical would require an MYO.
Purchaseable At:
1- Defense Candy
- Unlocks the Defense transformation for your Snugzi!
- Add this item when uploading the form image. You can find the guide for adding forms in our Discord.
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