Pullover (
Category: Mythical Traits
Species: Snugzi
- Allows the hood of the blanki to cover the face/function as the face of the Snugzi. This trait is required if the hood covers the eyes or more.
- Does not require mis-stitched to move facial features to the pullover hood, as it replaces the face underneath; also does not require mis-stitched if there are facial features removed by the covering of the hood, for example, if the hood covers the eyes. without transfering them to the hood.
- The crown is covered by the hood, meaning fallen crown cannot be used with this trait.
- The hood is not removable from the face of the snugzi as it has fused down, (this does not include shapeshift forms that do not have the blanki present), so no references or forms allowed with the hood removed from the face unless Mirage Embroidery is used to change the presentation of traits.
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