
Crawly Creature

Crawly Creature ( Uncommon)

Category: Uncommon Traits
Species: Snugzi


Allows the body, ears or horns to have any of the following:

  • Up to 2 pairs of mandibles, additional pairs will require the mis-stitched trait.
  • One pair of antennas on the head, additional pairs will require the mis-stitched trait. 
  • Can be combined with the wing trait to have insectoid wings present on the body
  • Tail tip stinger or pincer on the body underside, not the trim.
  • Plates/Scales (Reptilian)
  • Pincer claws like a crab or scorpion instead of hands
  • Allows the body to have an exoskeleton
    • Exoskeleton must be bug-like and cannot mimic the doll body trait, no mechanics, metallic shimmer, or armor. The Pixie dust trait cannot be paired with the exoskeleton to mimic mechanical or metal armor, this will still be considered Doll Body. Using Pixie dust for glitter flecks on the exoskeleton is allowed. 

Each trait under this category counts as it's own individual trait, and will use up one of your available trait slots.

When adding these traits to a design, if additional to the included number of traits with your MYO, or redesigning, each type of Crawly Critter trait needs its own diary. For example, if you are adding multiple pieces of exoskeleton to your design, this would be one diary, if you are adding exoskeleton and mandibles to your design, it is two diaries.

The material makeup of the Blanki is what determines the subtype! If your Blanki or trim has insectoid traits this requires the Critter subtype instead.






Zip It!

Zip It! ( Uncommon)

Category: Uncommon Traits
Species: Snugzi
  • Allows for up to 5 zippers on Snugzi Body or Blanki.
  • Cannot be full Blanki length (from head to tail) this would require Limited Edition Subtype.
  • Want something living inside? Pair it with the Living Linen trait!


Fishy Features

Fishy Features ( Uncommon)

Category: Uncommon Traits
Species: Snugzi


Allows the body, ears or horns to have any of the following:

  • Fins
    • Fins on the body must be made from flesh.
  • Gills
    • Snugzi gills are only present on their neck or ribs.
  • Scales (Fish)
  • Tentacles
  • Whiskers
  • Flippers

Each trait under this category counts as it's own individual trait, and will use up one of your available trait slots.

When adding these traits to a design, if additional to the included number of traits with your MYO, or redesigning, each type of Fishy Features' trait needs it's own diary. For example, if you are adding multiple fins to your design, this would be one diary, if you are adding fins and tentacles to your design, it is two diaries.

The material makeup of the Blanki is what determines the subtype! If your Blanki or Trim has an aquatic trait this requires the Critter subtype instead. 






Snugzkinz Tag

Snugzkinz Tag ( Uncommon)

Category: Uncommon Traits
Species: Snugzi
  • The SZ / Snugzi logo is stitched directly onto the body or blanki, bypassing the need to have a separate tag.
  • Cannot be combined with the custom tag text trait, needs to read SZ or Snugzi
  • Needs to be large and clearly visible on the design, cannot blend in / fade into the design.
  • Needs to be visible on the full body reference for the Masterlist
  • Can be combined with pixiedust or nightlight for a metallic or glowing effect.
  • Must be made out of fabric, unless paired with other traits or subtypes. For example, to have it carved into a crystal it would require the Crystallization trait if on the body or Natural subtype if on the blanki.





Trinket Keratin

Trinket Keratin ( Rare)

Category: Rare Traits
Species: Snugzi
  • Allows horns, hooves, claws, paws and spikes to become containers for small objects, charms, or glitter. 
  • Can contain fluid that the objects are suspended in, but liquid is not required. 
  • If small creatures are present within the container, Living Linen trait is required.
  • Pair with the Spikes trait to make Trinket Spikes!
  • Small light ommiting objects such as bulbs are allowed as trinkets and can produce light without requiring the Nightlight trait.
  • Can be combined with Special Decor for small objects that may be organic or edible within the keratin.
  • This does not include fur.


Swaddle Size

Swaddle Size ( Rare)

Category: Rare Traits
Species: Snugzi
  • Allows for the body to become significantly larger when compared to the Blanki.
  • Makes Blanki seem smaller.
  • Can be paired with the Kingsized to make a large Snugzi.
  • Is not required to make chubbier body types.



Kingsized ( Rare)

Category: Rare Traits
Species: Snugzi
  • Allows for the Blanki to become significantly larger when compared to the body.
  • Does not affect the body.
  • Can be paired with the swaddle size trait to make a large Snugzi.




Aromatherapy ( Rare)

Category: Rare Traits
Species: Snugzi
  • Blanki has vents that can dispense a soothing aroma that can calm anyone around them.
  • Blanki must have at least 2 vents for mist to come out of.
  • Allows for mist to be exerted from the Blanki through various vents on the Blanki.
  • The mist must be depicted in the masterlist image.


Mirage Embroidery

Mirage Embroidery ( Rare)

Category: Rare Traits
Species: Snugzi
  • Allows for the Snugzi to morph or alter parts of their body or blanki.
  • This can include, but is not limited to:
    • Patterns shifting location or appearance.
    • Retracting/extracting additional limbs when paired with Mis-stitched.
    • Ability to change the size of the Snugzi or limbs freely.
    • Spectrum Colour Shift when paired with Colour Change.

While mirage embroidery can change the patterns and design, a sufficient amount of common elements need to be kept that the snugzi is recognizable between forms. For example, modifying two of the following but not all three; colours, patterns, presentation of traits.

  • Mirage embroidery cannot change the shape of the tag.
  • Cannot change, remove or add colours to the design, unless paired with the Colour Change trait.
  • When using this trait please add an example of the shifted version to the masterlist image if it affects the anatomy in any way.


Shapeshift Shawl

Shapeshift Shawl ( Rare)

Category: Rare Traits
Species: Snugzi
  • This trait allows for up to a maximum of three additional form changes for the Snugzi other than their three base forms. (Defense, Anthro, Feral)
  • The form changes must be, in some way, recognizable as the base Snugzi; through using a common color palette, common features, and/or common theme. 
  • If the form change adds traits relevant items will still be needed.




Goopi ( Rare)

Category: Rare Traits
Species: Snugzi
  • Turns the skin, ears or horns of the Snugzi to a layer of slime, the slime cannot go deeper than a surface layer.
  • The Blanki cannot be Goopi unless the Divinity Blanki subtype is present.
  • The goop does not need to be of biological origins; materials such as cream, toy slime or wax without requiring the doll body trait. Keep in mind, it cannot be water, as that would fall under Elemental Oddity instead.




Transparency ( Rare)

Category: Rare Traits
Species: Snugzi
  •  Allows for the skin or blanki of the Snugzi to become transparent.
  • This can show bones and/or organs, the Snugzi cannot be transparent without either present.
  • Allows for the Snugzi itself to become transparent, with a maximum of 50% opacity. However bones or organs must still be present at this opacity.


Doll Body

Doll Body ( Rare)

Category: Rare Traits
Species: Snugzi
  • Allows for body parts to be materialistic. 
  • Can be mecha, stained glass, edible, etc. 
  • If elemental/plants you will need the Elemental Oddity or the Garden Growth trait.
  • Small items would be considered the Trinket Decor trait.

The material makeup of the Blanki is what determines the subtype! If your Blanki or trim has object parts this requires the Unusual Blanki subtype instead.




Fallen Crown

Fallen Crown ( Rare)

Category: Rare Traits
Species: Snugzi
  • You dropped this King.
  • Snugzi crown becomes sigil on middle of forehead. 
  • Can be any material but must be a simple shape (star, sparkle, moon, etc).



Custom Tag Logo

Custom Tag Logo ( Rare)

Category: Rare Traits
Species: Snugzi

  • Adding this trait allows for the tag of the Snugzi to have custom text! The text must be allowable within species guidelines and clearly readable.
  • With this trait symbols are allowed to replace the text but still need to be clearly distinct from the tag so that it does not blend into the colours or pattern.


Garden Growth

Garden Growth ( Rare)

Category: Rare Traits
Species: Snugzi


This trait allows for the body, ears or horns to grow plants or to be made out of plant matter.

  • For example, this trait applies for flowers/plants growing off the body, or the body to be made entirely of moss or leaves.
  • Allows for plants to grow on the body.
  • Can be combined with the horns trait for plant horns.
  • Vines can wrap around the body with this trait.

Adding different kinds of plant growth, ie. roses and lilies, will only require one trait slot. 

The material makeup of the Blanki is what determines the subtype! If your Blanki or trim has plant growth this requires the Natural subtype instead.








Crystallization ( Rare)

Category: Rare Traits
Species: Snugzi

This trait allows for the body to grow rocks, crystals, or fossils, or for the body to be entirely made out of said matter.

  • This trait applies for rocks, crystals, or fossils to be growing off the body.
  • This trait also allows for the body to be made entirely of rocks, crystals, or fossils.
  • Can be combined with the horns trait for rock, crystal, or fossil-based horns.

Adding different kinds of rock growth, i.e., crystals and fossils, will only require one trait slot. 

The material makeup of the Blanki is what determines the subtype! If your Blanki or trim has rock, crystal, or fossil growth, this requires the Natural subtype instead.





Special Decor

Special Decor ( Rare)

Category: Rare Traits
Species: Snugzi
  • Covers elemental and unusual decor, such as small flames, ice cubes or water droplets sitting on the surface of the body or blanki. Can be used to add a small amount of plants to the Blanki, Garden Growth is still used for plants on the body.
  •  It cannot be any deeper then surface level and it cannot float around the design, as that would be the dream weaving trait instead.
  • It can only act as small accents to the design, they cannot cover a majority of the skin or body without requiring differing traits/subtypes.





Nightlight ( Mythical)

Category: Mythical Traits
Species: Snugzi
  • Allows for light to emanate from parts of the Snugzi similar to the bioluminescence of some animals and plants.
  • Can affect the body or Blanki.
  • Can have it's own color unique from the colors already in the design, if the trait is removed it's color is also removed unless already present on other features of the Snugzi.
  • Simple Nightlight shapes and patterns can project from the body onto nearby surfaces. (Not required).
  • If the Snugzi is not obviously glowing, a side reference on the Master-List artwork depicting the glow will be required.

DISCLAIMER: The horns in the example image require the Trinket Decor trait!

Dream Weaving

Dream Weaving ( Mythical)

Category: Mythical Traits
Species: Snugzi
  • Creates images/shapes/animals that follow/float around the Snugzi.
  • Can vary in quantity and size.
  • Can freely include images/shapes/animals.
  • Can freely change colors.
  • Are luminescent without requiring additional traits.
  • If living on Blanki this would be considered the Living Linen trait.
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