Swaddle Pouch ( Common)
Category: Common Traits
Species: Snugzi
- Allows for a pouch to be found on the stomach, chest and Blanki. It cannot be located anywhere else.
- There can be multiple pouches present.
- If present on the Blanki, it must be the same material as the Blanki itself.
Plushy Repairs ( Common)
Category: Common Traits
Species: Snugzi
- Allows for stitches to be present on the body and/or for fabric patches that are stitched or ironed on.
- Making stitches or patches sparkley or have a holographic shimmer will require the Pixiedust trait.
- Patches can be placed on the Body or Blanki, and can vary in shape, size, and quantity.
- Patches can add colors to the design.
- Stitches on the Blanki do not require this trait.
- The stitches can be found anywhere on the body and in any quantity.
Cotton Fuzz ( Common)
Category: Common Traits
Species: Snugzi
- This trait applies when parts of the Snugzi Body or Blanki are torn and worn and the fluffy insides are peeking out from the injury.
- The cotton fluff can be any color, and the color of the fluff does not need to come from the existing colors of the design.
- Particles, fallen cotton fuzz, "cotton clouds" cannot be applied with this trait. This would fall under Dream Weaving.
Wings ( Common)
Category: Common Traits
Species: Snugzi
- Applies feathery or leathery wings to the Snugzi’s Body or Blanki
- Wings can be applied anywhere on the body or Blanki, they are not restricted to the back.
- Wings cannot replace limbs or other parts without the Mis-Stitched trait.
- May float off the body/Blanki.
- Additional wings past the first pair require mis stitched for each extra set of 2.
Spikes ( Common)
Category: Common Traits
Species: Snugzi
- Allows for spikes to be present on the Snugzi’s body or Blanki.
- If present on the Blanki, it cannot be made out of the same material found on the Blanki.
- Can allow for any quantity of spikes to be present.
- This does not include horns/horn related parts on head.
Solid Tag ( Common)
Category: Common Traits
Species: Snugzi
- Allows the tag to be made out of any non-elemental materials, excluding plastic, paper, or fabric as those are classified as Default tag materials. For example: glass, metal, wood.
- Allows for the tag to be three dimensional, such as bells or thimbles.
- The solid tag trait can be combined with the typical tag trait to have default materials but still while being three dimensional, such as fabric bows.
- Organic materials or elemental tags fall under Perculiar Tag instead.
Hooves ( Common)
Category: Common Traits
Species: Snugzi
- Allows for A Snugzi’s hands and feet to be replaced with hooves.
Feathers ( Common)
Category: Common Traits
Species: Snugzi
- Allows for any quantity of feathers to be present on the Snugzi’s body.
- If feathers fully cover the Blanki, it will be considered the Critter subtype.
No Horns ( Common)
Category: Common Traits
Species: Snugzi
- Allows for the Snugzi to have no horns.
- Horns are always required if this trait is not applied.
No Ears ( Common)
Category: Common Traits
Species: Snugzi
- Allows for Snugzi to have no ears.
- Ears are always required if this trait is not applied.
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