Species: Snugzi
- Most Snugzi with this form are seen as elders with wisdom.
- Must be quadrupedal in stance.
- Must resemble other forms.
- Typically large in size and able to float.
- Average height is around 7ft and can go up to 70ft tall.
- 100ft is the maximum for the Dragon form (if using Kingsized trait).
Artwork by keamuu
Sock Puppet
Species: Smitten
- Full Smitten size!
- Smitten use this form more frequently.
- Average size is around 1ft and can go up to 3ft tall! Smol
Artwork by keamuu
- Allows ONE outfit to be shown on ONE transformation.
- Masterlist profile must have the design already uploaded with it's transformation/s without clothing.
- (Aka, a masterlist profile cannot just have an outfit and no other tabs)
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